Monday Musings

Monday, May 30, 2016


Hi friends! 

Before jumping into today's post, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all who have given us the freedom we are so accustomed to and for making our lives a little safer each day. 

Werk // It feels like I've been living at work lately. Love the hours, love my co-workers, not so much lovin the heat that our little shack swells to. Also, not really sure how I feel about hearing "werk werk werk werk werk werk" in my head every time I step through the door. 

Date night // Han likes to remind me that "distance makes the heart grow fonder" when I'm majorly missing bae, but dang- the girl was right. Last week Matt and I got to go out and even though it was only for a few hours, I'm so grateful for the time. My heart still feels happy days after the fact, and I'm extremely... lucky, for lack of a better word, to have someone in my life who makes me feel special and loved. 

Mountain air // The countdown to my mountain adventure is officially on! In just a few short weeks, I'll be enjoying the fresh mountain air of the smokies. That's right- ya girl LJ is finally going to get some hiking in this summer! 

DCOM // Can we just appreciate the wonderful thing Disney Channel did over the weekend? The 100 DComs played (and now recorded to my DVR) seriously made this long weekend 100x better. Between Smart House, Zenon, and the Kim Possible movies, time off of work sure got a whole lot better. 

Productive // Productivity has been in a lull over the past week. I got thrown from my regular schedule, and I feel all discombobulated. I haven't really gotten much done, and my inbox has definitely gotten backed up. I'm hoping to get some time to catch up, because I'm feeling very behind lately... 

Chop chop // So I cut my hair again. No surprise there. It's back to the original short length I cut it to back in January and once again I am in love. Though I can't really put my finger on exactly why I've been vibin with the short do so much, it sure makes me feel sassy. #ShortHairDefinitelyDontCare

P.S. Anyone else get "zoom zoom zoom, make my heart go boom boom" stuck in their head for days after watching the Zenon movies, or is it just me? 


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Today I did something ordinary.

I put on my workout wear, laced up my running shoes, and queued up my playlist. After a quick stretch sesh and a hit off the good ole inhaler, I took off running. This is ordinary for most, but to me, this is everything.

Let me explain...

I am by no means a runner, unless you count that as just a person who runs somewhat regularly- then yeah, totally. But by conventional standards, I'm not. I don't have the body or the build, and I most definitely do not have the lungs. I can't run more than 4 miles without my lungs burning because they're so inflamed and little oxygen gets through. My arms are usually on fire, and my ankles kind of suck after mile 3. Despite this all, I run. Most would ask why the heck I do this, but the answer is really simple. I do this because I can. I'm not just talking about running, either. I'm talking about fitness in general.

Years ago I never thought I would be in the place that I am in now. Growing up was a struggle. I was always the girl who was a little chunkier than all her friends. While the rest of the school was shopping at Limited Too (throwback much??) or Abercrombie, I was wondering why the heck these stores didn't make sizes to fit me too. Because I figured I would always just be this way, I sat around in my bedazzled bootcut jeans and blamed my asthma for making it nearly impossible for me to do anything physical.

But by the time I entered the junior high and wanted to keep up with my friends, I knew I couldn't keep doing that. If I ever wanted to feel good about myself, I had to stop blaming what I could not change for holding me back. Because truth be told, asthma never held me back- I was holding me back. So I did literally the craziest thing ever and joined my school's cheer team. I may not have been able to stay the pace of the other girls on the team, but thank God that coach saw something in me because forced conditioning made me realize something: you cannot believe in your limits.

Before someone goes off on me, I'm not saying to disregard your limits. Definitely listen to your body and do what you're comfortable with. Life happens outside of your comfort zone, but don't put yourself in physical pain just because you think it's going to make you successful. Instead, I'm saying don't let your limits confine you. Don't let them hold you back and make you think that you're less than what you actually are. By no means was my worth attached to my weight, but that lesson took years for me to learn.

Here's the takeaway from yet another ramble of mine- we have limits, everyone does, but we cannot let them take hold of our life. Test your limits, push your limits, and break your limits. Just never succumb to your limits. I'm always going to have things trying to hold me back, but everyday I have a choice. I can either give in to the part of me that will always want to give up when things get tough, or I can listen to the voice that so gently tells me to keep moving forward. Between the two, I'm always going to pick the voice.

(on a lighter note, does anyone else get these same profound thoughts while on a run? just me? ok)

Monday Musings

Monday, May 23, 2016


Training // We had our first Rho Gamma training this past weekend and it was a success in my book! It was very different being the trainer instead of the trainee, but for one of the first times I felt confident being in front if a group of people and leading a lesson. I'm not only proud of myself, but I'm also proud of my ladies for putting in the time to come to the session.

Hangin' // I am so excited to start hanging around in my new hammock. My parents surprised me with one yesterday, and I am so stoked to start using it. I think it will be the perfect addition to the summer adventures I'm starting to plan, and honestly- what's more relaxing then just swaying in a hammock?

Reba // I used to hate the Reba show. But somehow over the last couple of days I've grown to absolutely love this show. The more I watch it, the more I can't get enough. Between binge watching both the Reba show and Fixer Upper, I'm about ready to go to Texas.

The little things // I've been trying to enjoy the little things lately, and in doing so I've become so much more appreciative. I'm thankful for small moments, like spontaneous trips with my little, slurpees after a hot day volunteering in the sun, or quick 10 minute phone calls because sometimes the sound of someones voice is 10x better than a hundred texts throughout the day.

PB // Prior to actually doing something in the gym besides being on an elliptical for 45 mins and calling it quits, I never understood why people who worked out were so obsessed with peanut butter... but now? I totally get it. For some reason I can't get enough PB lately. It's great when you have a sweet tooth, and doesn't completely ruin a day of clean(ish) eating {because let's be real, sometimes you just need some french fries in your life, amiright?}.

Movies // I've been dying to go to the movies. I honestly can't remember the last night I went to a movie, got popcorn and a giant slushie, and watched something that hasn't been out of theaters for more than 2 years. I'm seriously counting down the days until June 3rd because you can bet that I will be waiting in line to see Me Before You. Probably with some tissues...

Trending Now: High Necklines

Friday, May 20, 2016

Hi friends! 

As I begin to transition my wardrobe from winter to spring, there have been several trends catching my eyes as of late. One I've been particularly loving those is high necklines. 


It seems that (thankfully) the days of plunging and low rise everything are starting to get some new neighbors on the hangers. Maybe I'm just bitter that anything low cut just looks absurd on me, but I'm welcoming this change.

This trend has been extremely versatile, and it's been seen on everything from bathing suits, tanks, dresses, and even sports bras and workout apparel. I think it's such a fun way to mix up an outfit, and it really allows for statement pieces to be played up. I recently bought a formal dress (featured here!) with a high neckline, and I absolutely loved it!

I've rounded up some of my favorite high neckline looks for you to shop below!

How do you feel about the high neckline trend?


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hi friends! 

So I'm starting something new. After a lot of thinking and combing and just searching, it dawned on me that my blog is not really a "life and style" blog. I really don't know that it could even be considered a lifestyle blog either. I haven't posted an outfit in I can't tell you how long, and I've drifted towards more life stories and pieces of advices (so ramblings... like this...). And I've decided upon something. What if this blog, like my life, is just comprised of moments? And that got me thinking... Why am I trying to fit into a box that I clearly do not align with? 

So from here on out, this will be a "moments" blog. I'm still going to post about my life, and share trends I'm loving, thoughts I'm having, and sure, clothes I'm wearing. But I want to encapsulate these things through moments. I want to re-invent the content I create and post in a more meaningful way. I've always considered this blog to be a working journal of sorts where I share literally anything (and sometimes everything), so why limit myself? 

To see an example of this, check out my outfit post from the Justin Bieber concert. It's the first I've fashioned into this "moments" style of post. My idea was to capture not only what I was wearing, but also what I was doing // who I was spending time with. I haven't exactly gotten my technique down just yet, but it's something for you to go off of at least. You can find that post here!

I'm very excited about this change, and I hope you are too. 

Monday Musings

Monday, May 16, 2016


Trader Joe's // I was able to squeeze a Trader Joe's trip in this weekend and it was marvelous. I got so many delicious goodies to try over the coming week and saying that I'm excited is a severe understatement.

Coffee, please // Among my many grocery store finds was Trader Joe's coffee bean ice cream. Holy moley this is the stuff. Seriously you need to try this. It was like eating a cup of coffee, it was so good.

Summer (?) // Okay for real now- what is this weather?? It's May and there was snow on the ground yesterday... I am appalled to say the very least. How am I supposed to go on adventures if I can't even strap on the Chacos?

Zoo // Call me basic but I am dying to see the new penguin exhibit at the zoo. All of the photos I keep seeing from my friend's visits make this exhibit look exceptional. On another note, I never know how I truly feel about the zoo- sometimes seeing the animals behind their fences and such makes me sad. Anyone else have the same affliction?

Pico // Mama J and I made fresh pico de gallo this weekend and it is the bee's knees. After craving Mexican food for so long, it was nice to get some fresh pico in my life. It was also means for some great quality time with my mom!

On a serious note... // I recently came across the hashtag "maybe he doesn't hit you" on twitter, and it was extremely moving, to say the very least. I highly encourage everyone to look up this tag and educate themselves on the other types of domestic abuse out there. Physical harm is an extremely devastating issue, but I don't think psychological harm should be discredited either. Being manipulated, invalidated, and systematically isolated is also a real issue that many face, and sometimes the severity is diminished because it's not physically harming. No matter the terms, nobody deserves to feel insignificant.

Capsule Wardrobe

Friday, May 13, 2016

Hi friends! 

I recently just did a huge purge in my at-home closet and it made me realize something: I am a clothing hoarder. Seriously though. I had clothes in there from the 8th grade. The 8th grade!!! Completely unacceptable in my book- just because it zips doesn't mean it should fit anymore. Anyways... Getting ride of my old wardrobe got me thinking. I am constantly buying trend pieces that will be in season for approximately 3 months tops. But why? It's a vicious cycle of buying and disregarding. What would it actually be like to own articles of clothing that are essentially timeless?

Enter the capsule wardrobe. Below are the pieces I want to start acquiring to build up a more true testament as to who I am fashion-wise. Simple pieces, classic colors, timeless fashion.

If I could wear one outfit for the rest of my life, this would be it. Comfy, lived in boyfriend jeans, a simple stripped tee, cozy flannel, and cute booties? Yes please! The jacket and crossbody also add the perfect touches of fashion with functionality, which is key to me when creating looks. For more of what I would include in my capsule wardrobe, check out my links below!

What would you include in your capsule wardrobe? 

Paleo Made Simple(r)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hi friends! 

I recently mentioned that I want to move towards a more paleo based appetite, but I found myself at a bit of a loss as to where to start. Thank goodness for pinterest, though! I found some really helpful guides as to what exactly is considered paleo, and got so excited that I wanted to share them with you!



I also loved this guide, which gives you steps to going paleo, as well as this blogger's post about paleo lunches that are easy for on the go (which I frequently am in the summertime)!

I can't make promises that I'll perfectly go paleo (milk will be a hard one for me to let go of!), but I am a firm believer that small steps lead to big actions. In doing this, I hope to just live a better lifestyle where I'm fueling my body with better nutrients and getting more energy in return.

Let me know if this switch is something you'd like to hear more about in the future!

Tuesday Thoughts Pt. 2

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hi friends! 

Once again I've fallen behind on my Monday Musings, but since I never like to leave anything unfinished, here's another "Tuesday Thoughts."

hopefully these pups cheer up your dreary tuesday! 

Two piece // I've been dying over adorable two piece sets lately, but this one has to be the cutest that I've seen in a while! Such a great print for the (hopefully) upcoming warm weather, and at such an affordable price? You can't say no! 

Inspiration // For some odd reason, fitness accounts of instagram give me an insane amount of inspiration to do anything. New workout? Let's do it. Fancy recipe? Let's tackle it. I'm telling you... the power these things have really needs to be tapped into more. 

Fitness // Partially out of boredom and partially out of too much unspent energy, your girl LJ got a gym membership. Even odder, I'm suuuuuper excited to go to the gym. There are so many things I want to learn, and I really want to just become a stronger individually both mentally and physically. I'm excited to schedule some gym time in the coming months of freedom. 

Time // Now that I don't have a set class schedule, I'm finding remembering my obligations to be difficult. My planner (though I love it) is a little too big for me to be toting back and forth to work all the time, and I've been looking at a filofax just to keep my affairs in order. Let me know if you have any tips to keeping your life managed! 

Carryall // I'm on the hunt for a new bag to bring with me to the gym. I'm honestly tired of just carrying all of my stuff every single time I go, and I feel like getting a decent gym bag might not be the worst thing I can do. I've been juggling with a few brands and styles, but I'm still not sure. I love the lululemon ones, but I just don't know if I can justify spending that much on a bag that's going to hold sweaty clothes and dirty shoes...thoughts? 

Go go go // Surprise, surprise, but I'm craving adventure. I really want to go back to Canada again, but I also want to go explore the west side of the state too. I'm hoping to have the time to go on some little weekend adventures in the coming warmer months! 

Coffee Face Mask/Scrub

Friday, May 6, 2016

Hi friends! 

I'm really excited about today's post because it's a combination of a couple things that I thoroughly enjoy: coffee + self pampering. 

I found the recipe for this coffee face mask/scrub a couple of weeks ago, but due to finals week and packing up my tiny dorm room, testing it out got put on the back burner. Now that I'm home for the summer though, it was one of the first things I did (besides sleeping for 12+ hours, that is). 

Here's what you'll need: 

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 
1tbs ground coffee 
2 tsp lemon juice 
1 tsp honey 

*prior to using the mask, blend all the ingredients together and allow 1 hour for it to set in the fridge*

I recommend leaving the mask on for 15-20 mins, but that's totally up to your own discretion!

I have to say, I was super impressed by this face mask. As someone who has pretty sensitive skin, I'm hesitant to put anything besides my face wash and tried/tested beauty products. I love pampering myself, but unfortunately I have to shy away from any kind of face products for fear of a massive breakout. Maybe it was the fact that all of these ingredients are natural and things I consume normally, but there wasn't any damage done to my face! In fact, my skin felt smoother and firmer. 

All in all, I 10/10 recommend trying this out. Not to mention, it smells delicious while it's working it's magic. 

Let me know if you end up using this, I'd love to know your thoughts! 


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

dress / vest (similar) / shoes

Hi friends! 

Here's some quick pics that I took of the outfit I wore to JB. In case you were wondering, yes, the parking lot is some great aesthetic. 

Also, this is what a meant when I previously mentioned that we skipped the merch lines and went straight to the food. Enjoy this gem below:

Monday Musings

Monday, May 2, 2016

enjoy this fun picture of me from my first 5K on saturday! 

HP //  My ongoing efforts to re-read the Harry Potter series are now in full swing since I'm on summer break. As I type this, I'm using three of them as a stand for my phone to charge up. I seriously hope I can reach my goal before my free time is gone! 

Goals // Speaking of goals, I have a new one! After doing two 5ks this weekend (not going to lie, I only full out did 1, the second one had me hurting a little bit too much...), I want to move on to trying my hand at a 10k and eventually a half marathon. Just gotta build that endurance a lil bit, but I definitely think I can do it! 

Avocados // I've been on the hunt lately for new ways to incorporate avocados into my meals, and I'm kind of at a loss. Let me know if you have any fun ways to eat avocados besides putting them on toast, grilling them, or adding them to sandwiches! 

This // This profoundly moving video is something I believe everyone who struggles with their self-image needs to see. As someone who has never 100% loved themselves or felt comfortable in their own skin, this was an extremely touching message to hear. I'll forewarn you that tissues might be necessary, it was a bit of a tear jerker. 

Chopped // Kind of thinking about cutting some more hair off, though I'm not really certain yet. I'm going to think on it for a few more days before being impulsive, but I wouldn't mind losing another inch or two. This shorter hair is super sassy and fun in my opinion. 

Full // This past weekend was rejuvenating, for lack of a better word. My heart was full of happiness, and I felt extremely grateful- grateful that I have two legs to run with, lungs to breath with, friends to laugh with, and people to love. 

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