Summer To-Do List

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hi friends! 

As I near my summer break (and procrastinate on packing up my belongings), I can't help but fear wasting my time off from school. Obviously I have to #werk, but I want to enjoy my free time as much as I possibly can. As someone who craves adventures and new experiences the way some crave chocolate, I decided what better way to hold myself accountable than to post my ventures on the internet?? 

Let's get crackin'...


1 / Cook with avocados more - those lil buggers are way too delicious to not eat all summer long 

2 / Move towards a more paleo-based appetite and eat more like a caveman 

3 / Be outdoors more (and work on that chaco tan) 

4 / Find a local coffee shop to escape to on rainy days 

5 / Go on adventures, whether that means the zoo, the west side of the state, or the UP 

6 / Invest in a dang hammock already 

7 / Take the kayak out and just *float*

8 / Create a new savings plan because adulting doesn't stop when school does

9 / Learn to be an earl(ier) riser 

10 / Make my bedroom a more zen place

11 / Update my blog layout so it's a more true reflection of me

12 / Find a place to hike in this state

13 / Keep fresh flowers in my room weekly

14 / Frame new pictures and swap out old ones

What do you hope to accomplish this summer?

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