Trader Joe's // I was able to squeeze a Trader Joe's trip in this weekend and it was marvelous. I got so many delicious goodies to try over the coming week and saying that I'm excited is a severe understatement.
Coffee, please // Among my many grocery store finds was Trader Joe's coffee bean ice cream. Holy moley this is the stuff. Seriously you need to try this. It was like eating a cup of coffee, it was so good.
Summer (?) // Okay for real now- what is this weather?? It's May and there was snow on the ground yesterday... I am appalled to say the very least. How am I supposed to go on adventures if I can't even strap on the Chacos?
Zoo // Call me basic but I am dying to see the new penguin exhibit at the zoo. All of the photos I keep seeing from my friend's visits make this exhibit look exceptional. On another note, I never know how I truly feel about the zoo- sometimes seeing the animals behind their fences and such makes me sad. Anyone else have the same affliction?
Pico // Mama J and I made fresh pico de gallo this weekend and it is the bee's knees. After craving Mexican food for so long, it was nice to get some fresh pico in my life. It was also means for some great quality time with my mom!
On a serious note... // I recently came across the hashtag "maybe he doesn't hit you" on twitter, and it was extremely moving, to say the very least. I highly encourage everyone to look up this tag and educate themselves on the other types of domestic abuse out there. Physical harm is an extremely devastating issue, but I don't think psychological harm should be discredited either. Being manipulated, invalidated, and systematically isolated is also a real issue that many face, and sometimes the severity is diminished because it's not physically harming. No matter the terms, nobody deserves to feel insignificant.
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