How great is this succulent gardner from Eastern Market?
Packing / So in the true fashion of a procrastinator, I left my college packing for literally the three days before I was supposed to move in. Classic right? Anyways... My basement is in shambles and I've got rubbermaid tubs everywhere. Is it Thursday yet? No? Good, I'm not packed anyways.
Reading / In the past week, I have gone to two libraries and cannot find one single book to read. It's basically high time that I get my butt to the nearest Barnes & Nobles, but with all the packing on my mind I can't even fathom the thought.
Camp / With being apart of the housing staff, going to camp is also apart of the job. I haven't been to a summer camp in almost two years, and while I wasn't completely stoked for it, I can't help but look back on my memories of camp and become a teeny bit excited to be going back.
Lull / With the mention of camp, I just wanted to tack on that posts may become a little slower than my average. Between camp and training for this new position on campus, I've gotta direct my focus to absorbing as much info in these next couple of weeks as I possibly can. I've got scheduled posts stocked and ready to go, and Monday's should be their usual, but other than a couple of posts a week that's about all I think I can swing right now.
Costco / I recently went to Costco with my mom to get some last minute dorm supplies and all I can say is that Costco fits the hashtag #thingswhitepeoplelike. I bought snapware, leggings, and a flannel and if that doesn't scream suburban soccer mom, I don't know what does...
The Longest Ride / I watched this movie last night with my mom and all I can say is tear. I sobbed the entire last half an hour. It was that great. 10/10 would recommend- but only if you're wearing waterproof makeup or better yet, no makeup.
How's your Monday shaping up?
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