Book review: Lilly

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First impressions

Before reading this book, I expected to read a book all about Lilly Pulitzer, her growing up, and her raise to fashion fame. With dashes of the glitz and glam of Palm Beach added, I thought it would be a light and easy read that also discussed her background and the elements she grew up in. 

While reading

I must say that this book was a bit of a tough read for me. Not in content, but in information. It was almost like information overload if I'm being honest. It was heavy in background information, and while that was to be expected, it was not at all the kind of background info I thought I would be reading. It was mostly background on the people in Lilly's life, and it just led a tangled confusing web of people to follow who hardly pertained to Lilly herself. I also thought there was a lot of fluff added to the book. Some things about distant friends and relatives seemed a bit repetitive and it was enough for me to put the book down several times.


While this book was dry, it definitely had it's moments of intrigue. The best moments were the chapters solely about Lilly (basically just chapter 7 thought...) or the ones that described her fabulous Palm Beach home. While this book wasn't thrilling or interesting 24/7, it definitely had some great insight into what made Lilly the quirky designer she was, as well as how she sparked her famous brand. If you're a die-hard Lilly fan, this book is for you. 

Have you read Lilly?

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