Monday Musings

Monday, August 3, 2015

Moving / In a week from this Thursday, I move into my new dorm room on campus. I'm really excited to be getting back to it, but I'm really anxious to start the school year. The end of August and all of September is going to be crazy busy for me.

Retreat / Panhellenic retreat was on Saturday and I had such a great time and I learned so much. Bid matching suddenly made sense and it was nice to see the panhellenic community on my campus get together to prepare for recruitment.

Work / I'm relieved to say that I have finally made it to my last Monday of work at my summer job for the season. It's been a long summer in our tiny little shack, but I will completely miss my co-workers once I go back to school. They're absolutely great people who I'm lucky to call friends.

Movies / I've literally gone to so many movies in the last month and I have a feeling I'm going to be going to a handful more before moving back onto campus. What summer flix have you seen and loved?

MELLIE / Okay so maybe I'm a little too obsessed with my roommate but I'm so excited that we finally have the same day off this week. We haven't planned anything yet but I'm hoping we can see each other because it's been basically 3 months and I feel deprived. Even though we're not roommates this year, she'll always be my roomie.

Chacos / So I caved and invested in a pair of Chacos and They are fabulous and totally worth the price. They're so comfortable and I know I'm going to get a ton of use out of them, especially when I'm off at camp in a week.

How's your week looking? Hope it's absolutely fabulous! 

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