I'm going to be keeping this Monday Musings post short and sweet for a variety of reasons. I'm sure this isn't that much of a disappointment to all of you though! Let's just get into it...
Finals week / This week starts my finals week! Exams start on Wednesday and carry on until next week Tuesday. I know, super bizarre. Are your finals set up in similar way, or are yours just the traditional week long ordeal? I'm curious to know how other universities schedule finals week!
Lilly x Target / We already all know how much of a disappointment the whole launch was. I don't really feel like I need to go too in depth on it since I already created an entire post about my experience (plus, everyone and their third cousin twice removed is talking about it!). If you want to read about my experience shopping the line, click here!
Packing / It's finally the moment I've been dreading since I moved onto campus - packing up my dorm room. You don't completely know how much stuff you have crammed into your teeny dorm room until it's time to pack it all up. I'll be making my third trip home this weekend to drop some more stuff off, and that's still not even all of it!
@2k21seniors / If you haven't seen this twitter account... you're missing out big time. I don't know what is more funny about this account: the fact that these things actually do happen (I've witnessed them before) or that I most likely had these thoughts as a 6th grader before.
Mellie's birthday / Friday was Mellie's birthday, and it was such a blast. I had the room decorated all cute, surprised her with gifts, and then we went out and paint partied it up. Honestly, why can't every day be Mellie's birthday?
Club Kresge / Where I plan on spending my week... For basically everyone reading my blog/who doesn't know what it means, Club Kresge is the name we lovingly call our library here on campus.
Short, sweet, and to the point! That's all for this post To everyone going through finals week right now- good luck!
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