Midnight breakfast / Midnight breakfast was last Wednesday and it was so great. There were snow cones, photo booths, and pancakes with bacon. Talk about a dream come true, am I right? I'm so excited about next year all ready and it's basically 365 days away still. Plus, how great was this photo from that night? Absolutely priceless.
Formal / Formal was last weekend and it was honestly so much fun. It was my first formal with my sorority, and I have honestly been looking forward to it all year. Having Jonathan with me at formal and my Grandbig, Big, and Little all there was so much fun! I can't wait till next year- the only downside will be seeing my Big in the senior circle. $20 to whoever can guess how many times I cry next year when she's getting ready to leave.
Astrological / My friend Ang (here's your shoutout Ang) is constantly reading horoscopes and comparing our signs to different things in the universe. I honestly wish I had a dollar for every time she talks about the signs. If that were the case, I would be a millionaire.
Space Jam/ Nobody understands how hype I am to watch Space Jam tonight with my Ham Fam. It's one of the last times we will all be together, and thinking about my freshman year coming to a close makes me sad. *inserts cries here*
Senior sendoff / I cried like a baby, my grand big left my family to go alum, and twinny's speech made me laugh to no end. Senior sendoff was an experience that I wish I never had to go through again, but unfortunately I lose someone from my fam every year until it's my turn to graduate. Hashtag change sucks.
Philanthropy / This week is a big fundraising week for my sorority. All week we are leading up to our biggest philanthropy event of the year, and I am so excited to be volunteering for tabling to promote awareness about our event, our philanthropy, and maybe to get pied in the face a time or two. I cannot wait to see how the event turns out on Saturday, and I know it's going to go so smoothly because our philanthropy chair has been working so hard towards this event all year!
That's about it for my Monday. If my somewhat scattered and very unplanned post didn't bring a smile to you, maybe this link will! For as much as Micheal Cera creeps me out, this made me laugh way more that it should have
How was your Monday?
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