Stress Less: My Top 6 Methods for Reducing Stress

Friday, January 30, 2015

If I had to describe this week in one word, it would be stressful. Second semester came at me like a train, and I am so thankful it is finally Friday (though it's still not giving me much peace of mind...). My brain has been swarmed with thoughts and plans that I just cannot seem to jot down on paper quick enough, and my to-do list is way longer than any Kate Spade notepad could handle - not even my Lilly planner can keep up.

With the stress of the new semester upon myself, I have been spending my free time seeking out ways to relieve my stress, and I've compiled a list of things that have been really helping me trudge through the last few days. Since I know that many of my readers are now back to the grindstone, I figured this list could be helpful to others as well.

Drink something hot ||  Sipping on a hot drink is a great way to relax. Because you can't just chug it and go along with your day, you are forced to drink slowly. Make yourself some tea, cocoa, or coffee and set aside your work for the remainder of the cup. By giving yourself some time to just focus on your drink, you'll clear some headspace and treat yourself to some much needed quiet time.

Practice yoga || Something I've recently gotten into is yoga. I practice first thing when I wake up, and right before I go to bed. By giving myself 15-20 minutes of quiet time, I find I'm more ready to start my day and I'm totally relaxed before heading to bed. Click below to see what poses I've been loving!

Hit the gym / workout || This goes along with yoga, but sometimes throughout the day you just need an hour to focus on something else. Be productive and hit the gym for an hour. The break in your day will give you a chance to put your frustration into something worthwhile, and the endorphins you release during your workout will be sure to make you feel much better. If you don't have access to a gym, I highly recommend the blogilates videos Cassey posts on her youtube channel, which you can find here

Plan your day before you go to bed || This one I have to give credit to my mom, since she's the one who floated me this tip. Every night before I go to bed, I make a list of what I want to get done the previous day (I am a list-a-holic, and the sense of accomplishment I get from crossing something off of my to-do list is a relief I simply cannot describe). I work on these small tasks throughout the day, and whatever is left on my list goes directly at the top for the next day's to-do's. It keeps me on task and gives me a goal to reach at the end of the day. 

Journal || A lot of people think it's silly to keep journals, but for me the experience is extremely cathartic. Being able to let go of everything swarming my mind and put it on paper keeps my head clear and gives me a healthy release for my stress. I highly recommend it to everyone who feels they simply have way too much on their mind all of the time. 

Give yourself an end time || This last tip is something new that I've been muling over in my head. I frequently check out Dale Partridge's blog, The Daily Positive, and he has given me something to thing about. In his productive morning post (read it here!) he talked about how he always finishes his work day at 6. While sometimes this is simply not ideal for a college student, there are many days where I do not need to be killing myself by staying up well past midnight working on my studies only to get up the next morning at 7 (remember when I said I want to condition myself to become a morning person...). By setting an end time, you give yourself a time limit on when you can accomplish your goals for the day. After that, use your time for whatever else you want to do. 

Is there anything different you do to relieve your stress or anything you think should be added to my list? Let me know in the comments below! 

101 in 1001

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I've been seeing this tag going around on a few blogs that I follow, and I thought it was such a fun idea for a post! Thank you to Dash of Serendipity and Mackenzie Horan for inspiring my list! 

Starting: January 28, 2015
Ending: October 25, 2017
  1. Finish my gen ed classes 
  2. Run a 5k
  3. Learn how to ski
  4. Get a passport
  5. Get an internship within my major
  6. See the Golden Gate Bridge
  7. Hike in California
  8. Meditate everyday for a month
  9. Successfully plan a composite 
  10. Take a cycle class
  11. Have my Zumba instructor know me by name
  12. Visit my psychology professor during office hours & ask him about his career
  13. Go to conference with my sisters
  14. Volunteer  4 times
  15. Put a lock on the lock bridge in France
  16. Pay for a strangers coffee
  17. Become a Big 
  18. De-clutter my personal email account
  19. Visit Salem
  20. Take a stereotypical picture in front of the Bean
  21. Get a pass to go to Yoga
  22. Spontaneously send a friend a care package
  23. Read a book in French
  24. Take a ride on the London Eye
  25. Watch the Tour-de-France every day in the summer
  26. Design a blog layout on my own
  27. Send my mom cards like she does for me
  28. Buy my own roll of stamps
  29. Invest in monogrammed stationary 
  30. Have my friend Julie take new head shots for all my blogging icons
  31. See my 2nd Cirque du Soleil show
  32. Write in my journal every day for a month
  33. Wake up without hitting snooze everyday for two weeks
  34. Pack a suitcase without over packing (at least once)
  35. Buy a pair of all purpose heels
  36. Get my hair blown out
  37. Order checks with my name on them
  38. Learn how to balance a checkbook
  39. Get my blog on bloglovin'
  40. Surprise my boyfriend on a random weekend visit to his university
  41. Meet a fellow blogger
  42. Be Blair Waldorf and sit on the steps of the Met
  43. Visit an art museum 
  44. Get my own lock for the gym
  45. Go to a Lorna Jane store
  46. (in correspondence to 45) Buy a new workout outfit
  47. Interview Cambria from breelovesbeauty
  48. Watch the sunrise from a hill
  49. Take a run at sunrise
  50. Spend a day in Central Park
  51. Donate my hair again
  52. Clean my closet & donate unwanted clothes to charity
  53. Pay for my dues completely on my own
  54. Post 3 outfit posts in one week
  55. Visit Disneyland
  56. Buy my mom a nice piece of jewelry 
  57. Get to 100,000 page views
  58. Go rho gamma for recruitment 
  59. Give up french fries for a month
  60. Post 4 times a week for 1 month
  61. Sign my name somewhere in my freshman dorm room
  62. Stop drinking coffee for one week
  63. Learn how to make my own almond milk
  64. Make every recipe from this video 
  65. Go to a Brandy Melville store
  66. See a show in Vegas
  67. Listen to every song mentioned in this book
  68. Vote in the next presidential election
  69. Read my daily Skimm
  70. Go to brunch at Toast twice
  71. Visit a bookstore that's not affiliated with a chain
  72. Run a color run with my mom
  73. Win something from bingo
  74. Buy a scratch off ticket (almost 19 and still haven't done this...)
  75. Play the lottery
  76. See the Mississippi River
  77. Have a server choose a meal for me
  78. Learn to like seafood
  79. Finally buy an arm band to put my phone in when I workout
  80. Get workout grip-y gloves (so technical, I know)
  81. Take a belly dancing class
  82. Buy something (anything) in maroon 
  83. Try heel dancing
  84. Find 6 uses for coconut oil & blog about it
  85. Sell my homecoming dresses
  86. Buy an LBD
  87. Read 2 books for fun before the end of the semester
  88. Write in my journal every day for a month
  89. Pick my suite mates (current living situation is not ideal...)
  90. Update my resume 
  91. Create a budget for my spending
  92. See a drive-in movie
  93. See a new musical 
  94. Write hand-written thank you cards to 6 people
  95. Go to Diagon Alley at Universal Studios 
  96. Apply for 4 scholarships
  97. Practice yoga on a beach
  98. Watch 3 new documentaries 
  99. Sail with my dad
  100. Visit Colorado 
  101. Save enough money for backpacking through Europe

Feeling inspired to make your own 101 in 1001? Leave me a link to your list in the comments! I would love to read your goals! 

Monday Musings

Monday, January 26, 2015


Laundry day | The most dreaded day of my week... At home it was never a problem, but at school there never seems to be a washer open or a dryer free. And then there's that basket of clothes you have to fold... Speaking of, I should probably do that, no?

Free Chipotle | Yes, that's right, you read free Chipotle. My roomie and I headed over to Chipotle for their newest promo where if you try their new burrito you get a coupon for free chipotle on your next visit. I have to be honest with you all... The line wasn't that bad and the tofu was better than expected. Comment down below if you got Chipotle today // what you thought of the sofrita!

Bid day | Today was my chapter's bid day for informal recruitment! While I'm only in my first year as an active member, bid day is honestly one of my favorite days. I'm so excited to have new sisters and can't wait to get to know everyone better!

Being scared | All my life I've been told to do the things that scare me most. Doesn't the saying go "if you're dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough?" That might be the case, but right now I'm scared and I just want to hide in my bed. And then stay there. Is this a wake up call telling me to stop being a coward? Universe... please just get to the point...

Missing | Casual little plug to say that I miss the boy right now and it's going to suck not seeing him for 3 weeks. Shout out to all of the people in long distance relationships farther than mine... Serious props because I can hardly go three weeks without seeing my guy and I can't even fathom going months. You are all the real MVPs of relationships.

Small talk | This is an art form and I encourage you all to brush up on your skills. It comes in so much handy, and I wish I was better at it. That's all I've got to say on this topic.

Sure, Jam | I don't know about all of you, but I have been getting such a huge kick out of the Brady Bunch spoofs that are resurfacing. Especially the sequel where Jan creates a fake boyfriend and Marcia says "sure, Jam."

Ashton Kutcher | All I have to say is just watch this video all the way through:  (please just watch it all the way through and thank me later!)
That's all for my Monday. How was yours? 

I Spy...

Friday, January 23, 2015

one / two / three / four / five 

Even though I'm trying to spend less money this year (plus I'm a broke college student), I can't help but constantly window shop and make up fake wish lists. If I were in the spending mood and had an endless supply of money, here's some things I would be spending it on: 

  1. The Scout "Weekender" in Breaking Plaid | I absolutely adore this bag, and it would be perfect for the many weekend trips I find myself taking in college (by "trips" I mean going home for the weekend or driving up state to see my boyfriend). 
  2. This Mala bracelet from SinPermiso | I love this partly due to the idea of meditation necklaces and also partly because I can see this being extremely fashionable if layered with my Kate Spade pendant. 
  3. T-Snap pullover from Patagonia | I've been dying over this fleece pullover from Patagonia since forever it now seems. I'm not sure where my recent Patagonia obsession has come from, but I know that it is very real. 
  4. The Scout "Type A" in Breaking Plaid | Has anyone else noticed the reoccurring adoration I have with this print? No? Okay. Anyways, I think this would be a great travel companion for me since my roommate and I are planning a European getaway in a few summers and I'll be in dire need of a passport (plus it would perfectly match the Weekender). 
  5. Monogrammed scalloped clutch from Marlely Lilly | One of my personal life mottos is "if it's not moving, monogram it!" and with this clutch I would be following through with that. Simple clutch + scallops + my monogram = perfection, am I right? 
What have you guys been eyeing lately? 

Seeing Green

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

vest (old) / hoodie (similar) / hat / leggings 

This is just a quick outfit post! If maintenance weren't in half of my photos, there would probably be more than four, but hopefully you still get the gist! 

Enjoy my awkward modeling! 

Happy Wednesday lovelies! 

Monday Musings

Monday, January 19, 2015

If I've stayed consistent with anything on this blog of mine, it's been my Monday Musing's. I don't know what it is about this post, but taking the time to reflect on my day has been something I look forward to all week long. There's something so cathartic about taking a moment to reflect and getting into a peaceful state of mind.

But enough with this chit-chat, I know you're all here to find out what I've been musing over today!

Recruitment | My sorority has finished our informal recruitment this past week, and I am so excited to welcome new sisters! This was my first time on the sorority side of recruitment, and there are literally so many things that I learned. I had no idea that so much happens behind the scenes, and while I always knew that our recruitment VP was an important position, I was filled with new appreciation for our RMVP. Also, good luck / congratulations for all of those who have found their homes during winter recruitment!

French soda | Today I was blessed enough to meet up with some of my close friends from high school. The long weekend brought a lot of people closer to home, and seeing my two friends was extremely nice. After our coffees, a cool drink was much needed! I tried a French version of creme soda and I must say that it was simply delicious! Definitely a must-try beverage for those who haven't tasted it yet!

Home cooked meals | For the long weekend, I visited my boyfriend at his university. On the way back to my school at the end of my stay, I had to swap cars back at home since I took my dad's truck. While I was at home, my mom made a roast for me to eat before I headed back up to school. I super appreciated how she started it early so that I could sit down and have a meal with my family - plus, who doesn't love a home cooked meal (especially when it's better than dining hall food)?

Comments | As a college freshman, my mind is often times trying to do 40 things at once. This sometimes leaves me drained and in need of some inspiration for future blog posts. If you have an idea of something you would love to see on the blog, don't be shy! Drop a comment on a post of shoot me an e-mail! I love hearing from you guys!

Uptown Funk | This is literally my jam. Annmarie, if you're reading this, you know how much I love this song (her and I literally leave the gym blasting this). I can't tell if it's the beat or the amusing lyrics, but I think this song has such a different vibe as opposed to everything else on the radio.

Blue, man | This weekend I visited my boyfriend at his university. Part of my Christmas present was tickets to see Blue Man Group, and I am so grateful to him and his family for letting me experience so many new things with them! I feel extremely blessed to have him in my life this was another moment that I was glad to have shared with him.

That's about all for my Monday! How was your Monday?

What the Fox Said

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I'm mixing it up a little bit with a different sort of post this Tuesday. Everybody, meet LeeAnn! Lee is my little sister, and often times she wears the hat of my photographer when I'm in need of quick outfit posts. Her and I came up with this outfit while I was home over winter break, and I think its adorable for both the playground and the classroom (for real though, how cute is she?)!

Hope you enjoy!

Monday Musings

Monday, January 12, 2015

{image via}
Another Monday has come and gone, and with it brings a new week full of opportunity. Here's what's been on my mind this Monday:

Fear | Fear is honestly so... stupid. Since Thursday I have been consumed with fear over going to my English class because it was scary and uncharted waters for me. I've always excelled in English courses but had never taken one on the college level (not to mention I was fairly intimidated by an e-mail my professor had sent out just an hour after I had transferred into her class). I guess what I'm getting at is that fear is really just silly. Why, as a human race, do we psych ourselves out for things that we cannot control? (Unfortunately if you're coming to me for that answer, I have not the slightest clue.)

Cold | I'm not sure about you, but my state/home/campus is absolutely freezing right now. Don't get me wrong, the snow is gorgeous, but the wind... It's just bitingly cold. By the end of this winter I'm hoping to have some awesomely toned legs because I have been walking to and from classes so quickly. If I'm being honest, I didn't think I could even walk this fast.

Dave Matthews Band | So maybe I just have a really eclectic sense of music, but as of late I've been listening to a lot more of the Dave Mathews Band than usual. They're older and had most of their success in the 90s I'd say, but they're definitely something to put on your playlist. (Fun fact: I actually went to a Dave Matthews Band concert this summer with my boyfriend for our anniversary.)

Breelovesbeauty | I'm going to share something with all of you right now: I love watching beauty guru's on youtube. I follow a good handful of them, but the one person I always come back to is Cambria (better known as breelovesbeauty). She is honestly so positive and motivating. She is so much more than a normal beauty guru and her videos are completely awe-inspiring. If you need a good kick in the butt to get into an active lifestyle or you just want to make positive changes in your life, check her out here. Her videos are so motivating and I can almost guarantee that your mindset will become positive after you finish watching. (PS, her vlogs will make you totally wish you lived on the beach in Cali like she does!)

Intro to film | While I'm not a film/cinema studies major (I'm currently studying psychology), I had an art credit that needed to be fulfilled through my gen eds. While I'm sure that learning art history would have been absolutely riveting, I chose to take an intro to film studies class instead. Basically, I watch a movie on Mondays and attend a lecture on Wednesdays. Pretty simple, right? Well this class is actually pretty interesting. My professor actually mixed it up a little bit and had us film a 1min long silent film. I just finished mine today, and I'm hoping he finds it amusing and worthy of an A (HUGE thank you to my awesome roomie and my pal Ang for starring in it for me).

Sick bladez man | This past weekend was winter welcome weekend at my university. One of the perks of going to a smaller university means that we get a good handful of events thrown for us that we don't have to pay for. Friday night was one of those nights, and we had rollerblading in the banquet rooms of our student center. Even though I'm pretty ungraceful on roller blades, it was a really great event, and it was one of those moments that really made me appreciate my campus and all it has to offer.

That's all for my Monday, what's been on your mind today? 

Keeping Your Cool

Friday, January 9, 2015

Jacket: Andrew Marc
Scarf: H&M
Earmuffs: American Eagle
Boots: Rugged Outdoors

The weather here in Michigan has turned quite frightful. While December remained snow-less for us, January has come in with incredible force. 

Though I used to think these long coats were quite ridiculous, mine has turned into a winter must have real quickly when it comes to getting around on campus. If you're like me and wear your hair up often for class, earmuffs are a great alternative for wearing hats. They keep my ears warm but still let me keep my hair up and out of my face. My boots are also a must for winter, since they are lined with faux fur and are extremely waterproof for keeping the snow out. 

What have you been wearing to keep warm this winter?

Monday Musings

Monday, January 5, 2015


Well guys, it's Monday again. My mindset has always believed that Monday is the true start to the week (sorry Sunday), and usually I dread this day. In means to change that, I'm starting a little series about what I've been thinking about all Monday long.

Moving back into my dorm | This lovely Monday I moved back into my dorm room. I must admit that I missed this tiny little space of mine, and more importantly I missed my roommate. Mellie (my roommate) and I have what I think to be one of the cutest dorms - at least that's what nearly everyone says when the step foot in our dorm.

Starting classes tomorrow | Wow. I start my second semester of college tomorrow. I'll say it again: Wow. I cannot believe how quickly my college career is flying by. I must say that I couldn't be happier with it though. I definitely made the right choice with attending my university and I am so extremely grateful for everyone has entered my life because of it.

The squad has been reunited | Can I just say that I never thought I could miss two people more than I miss Mellie and Annmarie? These three weeks were so strange without them. We literally do everything together - eating, going to the gym, kick boxing classes... I have no clue what I'll do without them for three months when we go on summer break.

Unpacking | I know I already talked about moving back into my dorm, but man... I had a lot to unpack. I'm talking three bags absolutely stuffed with clothing and three separate bags for my groceries. And that's not even including my shoes, coats, and bedding that I had to carry up to my dorm... (thank you to Jonathan, who graciously helped me haul all of my things to campus)

Painting my nails | There's nothing I love more than the look of clean & painted nails. What I don't love is how annoying it is to paint my nails. It's really like a chore. You have to remove the old polish, paint your nails, wait for them to dry. And don't even mention when you smudge them because you were too impatient to wait for them to dry...

What's been on your mind this Monday? 


My 2015 Resolutions

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I want to start this post off by saying Happy New Year to all of my readers! This year has really crept up on me... but doesn't that always happen to us at the start of a new year? I must admit that I was timid in making this post. It seems as if each year I make resolutions, and each year I fail to accomplish even half of them. Fortunately I can't help but be excited by the start of the new year and I simply cannot deny myself the chance to set a new list of goals to accompany this fresh start.

Let's get to it now, shall we?

Run a 5k | Running a 5k has been something I've wanted to do for many years now, and over the past summer I've grown quite a liking to running. Throughout the months of June, July, and August, I was able to turn a 2 mile run into a habitual activity - I actually used to get upset when I would miss my morning run- so I figure if I can run 2 miles fairly easy, how much harder could a 5k be? 

Make the dean's list {again} | This semester I qualified for my university's dean's list, and I am determined to make it two more times this year in my winter and fall semesters. 

Try 3 new workout classes | Living on campus has many perks, and one of those perks is having access to free workout classes. In one semester, I have tried out Zumba, step classes, and kick boxing. With a new schedule of classes, there are so many that I want to try out in 2015! 

Post {at least} once a week | This one is HUGE for me. I've had this blog for nearly a year now, but you would never have known this because before my winter break, I hadn't posted since August (yeesh). My goal this year is to post once a week - though hopefully there will be several posts each week for you to read! 

Drink 128oz of water a day | I feel like this resolution needs some explaining... I have a 64oz water bottle and sometimes I barely drink half of this during the day. I know that I need much more water than what I drink daily, so I definitely want to drink two of these bottles a day. 

Get to the gym 3-4 times a week | This one I'm usually pretty good about, so it's on my list purely so that I continue getting my exercise. 

Look more put together | Usually for classes I roll out of bed, tie my hair up, and throw on the nearest piece of clothing to me. That all stops now (I hope). I hope that by taking the time to wake up earlier and make myself presentable that I will focus more on studies. Dress well, test well, am I right? This also means more outfit posts for you guys! 

Take care of myself | This one is so so so important. I cannot stress enough how important it is to take care of yourself. This year I want to focus on maintaining a peaceful state of mind, body, and soul.

Start my days earlier | How can I put this simply? I am not a morning person. But, I would like to be. This year I want to wake up earlier and be more productive with my days. 

What are your resolutions / goals for 2015? 


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