I will be the first to say that I don't believe in resolutions. I think they are too easily broken and honestly, when has anyone stuck to them? But goals? Now that is something I can believe in. I set goals all the time, I'd even wager that I daily set goals. In order to hold myself somewhat accountable, I wanted to share with you all my 2016 goals (also, it feels more permanent this way).
Read my textbooks more regularly | I pay hundreds of dollars for these books, so I really ought to put them to better use. I go through cycles of being really on top of my reading, and then cycles where it feels like I'm doing nothing but playing catch up. This year/semester, I want to read my textbooks for the necessary content at least 1 hour a day per subject.
Mas Agua | This is something I have always struggled with. My daily water in-take is usually dismal, though like with reading, it does go through cycles. I aim to create better habits of hydrating myself this year by carrying my water bottle with me everywhere on campus, refilling it when I'm by the hydration stations, and drinking from my water every hour on the hour.
Call my mom more | She does a lot for me, and I really should call home more when I'm away at school. It's actually sad how little I call home. I want to call home (at least) once a week in the coming year so that I can catch up with my mom and tell her how much she means to me (because she doesn't hear it from me enough).
Utilize my time efficiently | I deathly need to stop procrastinating, and I feel the best way to combat this is to use my time more efficiently. In between classes I want to begin copying notes, after classes I want to review notes and course materials, and on days where I only have one class I want to set up times to go to the library, work out, and even eat (because I'm ashamed to admit that I sometimes literally forget to eat).
Create better sleep habits | I am notorious for staying up late and sleeping in until well into the afternoon. Ask anyone who knows me (especially the bae) and they will tell you I am not even capable of waking up before 10. To combat this hibernation issue I seem to have, I want to start better sleeping habits. I honestly think the way to do this is going to be setting a bed time of midnight (baby steps, right?), moving my alarm out of arm's distance, and not hitting snooze (more than once...).
What goals do you have for yourself in the coming year?
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