Monday Musings

Monday, February 29, 2016

before russell and i ran off through animal kingdom together

Spring break // I had an absolute blast over spring break, and I feel so fortunate to have gotten the chance to get away for a week with some amazing people. Running around the parks with one of my best friends, while also making new friends, was so great- and the memories are even greater. I'm so happy my group was there to support my obsession with Russell from UP, meet characters with me, and help me finish off that turkey leg because I was way too over zealous about it.

Goodbyes // I said goodbye to my grandbig this past weekend and it was way harder than I imagined it to be. I know she's going to do great as she moves farther midwest, but I sure am going to miss her. She's even sassier than me, and I'm going to miss having her close bye.

Chaco // The fact that my chaco tan is back makes me way happier than I should be, so it obviously needed an entire section of this post for itself. Also, for all the haters out there- Cinderella complimented my chacos, so you know they're poppin'.

Heartbeat // Carrie Underwood's new single Heartbeat is absolutely stunning. Having been on repeat for the last week, it's earned itself a spot on my Monday Musings. It is the perfect calming melody, and it has me yearning for peaceful summer nights.

Wanderlust // It always seems that I get the most wanderlust right before I go on a trip, and then right when I get back. I've got a few ideas already of some getaways I want to take this summer, so lets see if any of them actually happen!

Limbo // I've never quite felt such an odd state of limbo as I have been feeling this past year and semester. I used to think I had it all figured it out, but not anymore. I've been trying my best to take it just one day at a time, but I can't shake this odd feeling... Changing paths sure is accompanied by an unusual sense of uncertainty.

Leap day // This special day requires a special extra musing. Today is one of my oldest friend's birthdays, and it only comes 'round every four years (she's a leap day baby)! Here's to you, Tar! I hope your 20th / 5th birthday!

The Perfect Playlist

Friday, February 26, 2016

{background image via}

While I was getting ready for break, I began to create a playlist to get me pumped for some time off of classes. It's pretty much what I consider to be a perfect playlist! All of the songs are upbeat and sure to put you in a great mood. 

enjoy the playlist here!

Monday Musings

Monday, February 22, 2016


Disney // As you read this, I am probably already frolicking through the magical world of Disney. I am so excited for everything this week has in store for me, and I cannot wait to document all of the memories! After stressing over silly things like what to pack, which shoes to leave at school, and how many t-shirts is too many t-shirts, the big trip is finally here!

Sisters // I am so fortunate to share this spring break experience with some of my sorority sisters this week! I plan on tons of throw-what-you-know pics, memories to last a life time, and of course, laughter. It's moments like this that make me so grateful to have sisters by my side to share these experiences with!

Momma J // Last week my mom was able to stop by campus to have some lunch with me, and it was such a nice afternoon. We stayed on campus so she could experience the hectic-ness that is our student center, and she even got to meet some of my friends that I talk about all the time. I've been missing my mom a lot lately, and I was so grateful to spend some time with her before I left for break.

Tunes // Lately, Spotify has been killin' it with my Discover Weekly playlist. It has opened me up to some great new songs that I actually really enjoy. Usually my discover playlist is an odd mix of random songs, but lately it's been really consistent to the music I've been wanting to listen to.

Time // #Relieved that this is one week that I can forget about time in all aspects. I don't have to think about time spent on homework, or time wasted watching netflix, or running out of time. The only time I have to worry about right now is when extra magic hours are, and if I catch one more ride on Haunted Mansion before the park closes, will I miss my shuttle back to the hotel?

Chacos // Just wanted to let all the haters know that I broke the Chacos back out for break and I'm #stoked to be balling bigger than LeBron. That is all.

Here's to a sunny and magical week ahead!

Spring Break "Musts"

Friday, February 19, 2016

In lieu of packing for my spring break trip to Disney, I've been realizing that whenever I head on vacation there are a few "musts" that always make it into my suitcase. While some of these may seem silly, they always come in handy when I take them on trips with me. I think the most comical might be the fanny pack, but lemme tell ya- I've used that thing so many times and it's freakin' great for handsfree storage (especially at amusement parks)!

Shop this post and more below! 

What are your spring break "musts"?

Goal Check-In

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Since it's been just over a month since setting my 2016 goals, I thought it was high-time that I check in on my goals and assess how I'm doing so far. And what better place to do it than on LSoM? If you missed my original post about my goals, you can find it here!

Read my textbooks more regularly | Not going to lie, this one kind of fell to the way side the moment the semester began. Can it really be my fault though, when my professors have blatantly told me to not get the book because all that I need is provided in lecture?

Mas Agua | This is something I've been gradually getting better at. I've finally accepted the fact that I drink far too much pop and it is the major benefitting reason to my constant dehydration. I've stepped my game up to ensure that I always have at least one full bottle on me at one time, though I frequently I shoot for a full water bottle and a tumbler of water as well.

Call my mom more | I suck as a daughter and am ashamed to admit that I don't call my mom nearly enough for how much I actually miss her. Though I did call her twice in the last month just because. We'll work on this one.

Utilize my time efficiently | While I feel like I'm doing decent, there are definitely ways I could improve. Instead of watching 6 episodes of the office on my 3 hour break M/W, I could watch 2 episodes and review materials before class. Baby steps though...

Create better sleep habits | Is it ironic that I'm drafting this post up at 1AM and clearly not creating better sleep habits? I think so... This is something I actually need to improve on, since the last two days I've all but fallen asleep during lecture.

How are your 2016 goals shaping up so far?

Monday Musings

Monday, February 15, 2016

still by far my favorite picture i've ever taken...

Spring Break // Michigan is only getting colder the closer I get to the start of spring break. This has only led me to insistently check the weather of Orlando in the hopes that it'll be chaco-weather warm in a week. Right now it's looking like the high 70s, but that will be bound to feel like a tropical oasis compared to the chill that's permanently set over campus.

HP // Lowkey+highkey stoked for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter next week. It's literally the last day of my entire trip, but it might be what I'm most excited for. I think it's going to be such a cool and different experience going with friends, and it's quite possible that I will burst at the seams before we even step foot into the park. It's casual.

Exams // Of course the one year I actually go away for spring break, I get slammed with exams the first day that classes resume. I'm going to bring my review material with me to Disney, but we all know that I won't actually touch them. Wish me luck? (I'll need it.)

Training // My mom and I are both training for a 5k coming up soon, and let me just say- I have been slacking. I need to get my butt to the gym so that I don't die after a mile, otherwise what's the point? I also low-key want to be able to keep up with/beat my mom's time.

Formation // I'm late to the bandwagon because TBH I didn't like Formation the first time I heard it, but after watching Wildabeast Adam's choreography for it, I became a fan. Watch the video here in case you missed it.

DMB // Literally everywhere I've gone over the past week, I've heard Dave Matthews Band being played in the background of stores, restaurants, and movies. I kind of forgot how much I like DMB, and I may or may not be guilty of playing a compilation of his hits on repeat while I study. I also may or may not be guilty of being the most basic fan, since my favorite song is Crash Into Me. #NoShame

My next Monday Musings I'll be coming at ya from Disney! 

Everyday Yoga

Friday, February 12, 2016


Finding a state of mindfulness and setting intentions for my daily life has become a goal of mine over the last couple of months. My favorite way to do this is through yoga. While I hit up a class every Thursday at my campus rec, I also make it a point to practice in my downtime or in moments of stress. 

Following your own flow can be difficult if you're not used to an unstructured practice, so I've taken a few of my favorite moves and boiled them down to a simple routine for you all! 

everyday yoga

start: child's pose
cat pose
downward facing dog
warrior 1 pose
warrior 2 pose
end: child's pose

I recommend you hold each of these poses for at least one minute. When in child's pose, tune into your body and let your breath fill all open spaces. Use this as a time to become more aware of your thoughts and set your intentions for the day, evening, or week ahead. For a printable version of this practice, click here!


A few words on passion...

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It's been told to me before that I am a passionate person. Though this was said in regards to me feeling so strongly about a situation that I lost my temper completely, it got me thinking: passion is everything. I know it's cliche and said time and time again, but it is so important.

It's taken me a long time to find my passions. I remember being in middle school and high school, watching countless scores of my peers join clubs they were in love with and pursue classes they adored. I also remember sitting back, drifting through my adolescent years wondering if I would ever have the same spark they seemed to have obtained. Sure, I had liked being on color guard enough, and my classes suited me fine, but nothing gave me much of a drive or motivation to do anything. 

Then college hit. It became a time to reinvent myself and break out from under the worrisome umbrella that high school had me hidden under. I joined a sorority, pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and I really began to get serious about this little blog of mine. While it may seem silly to most, this corner of the internet has become a safe haven of sorts for me.

I owe a lot to this blog. Lauren State of Mind has given me the outlet I chased after in my younger years. This space is mine, and I am free to do with it as I please. Most importantly, this space has directed me to my passion. 

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski 

Through LSoM, I've realized how insanely passionate I am about social media, and I've fallen back in love with the written word. People sometimes laugh when I tell them that Instagram is my favorite social media platform, and I've gotten the typical run-of-the-mill looks when I tell people I have a blog, but this is what I love and what I'm passionate about. It may have taken me some time to figure out what I enjoy doing, but it has made all the difference in who I am. 

Even more so, discovering my passion has led me to new people. People like Auj, who have dedicated whole months to helping me with a single speech, to people like Erin who have continually reminded me to never stop pursuing what I love. It's led me to people like Abby, who inspire me to live a life full of firsts, and even to people like my sisters, or even Matt, who just take the time to read the nonsense that is sometimes Lauren State of Mind and support it (and me) no matter what the post is.

I guess what I'm trying to say from this long-drawn entry is just this: 

Find your passion. Find what you love and let it kill you. Once you have it, grab hold and don't let go. Let it motivate you, let it ignite a fire within you, and let it drive you. It doesn't matter how long it may take you to find it, so long as you do. Once you've found your passion, it changes everything...

Monday Musings

Monday, February 8, 2016

when you're too cool for the paparazzi...

Ballin' // Saturday was the Meadowbrook Ball, and it was such a blast. I couldn't have asked for a better date or a better group of people to spend my night with, especially since this year was the first that I've ever gone. I also have to give major props to Matt for carrying me from the mansion to the car at the end of the night because I physically couldn't walk after wearing the heels from hell.

Sabrina // After the craziness of having two exams and a group project to finish last week, I am looking forward to how lax this week will be. All I want to do right now is curl up in bed and watch Audrey Hepburn's Sabrina and gorge myself on chips and salsa. 

Mexican // Speaking of chips and salsa, I cannot tell you how much Mexican food I ate last week. Between the birthdays that I celebrated last week, I spent way too much on food. I'd be lying if I said  I didn't love Mexican food, and I think it like it a lot more than I care to admit. Anybody else with the same guilty pleasure? 

One week // This Saturday will mark one week until I leave for Disney and I am pumped. There's still so much I have to do beforehand, but I'm stoked to be going with one of my very best friends, as well as some of my sisters who will be on the trip. Bring on the Dole Whips (but really, please bring them on they're my fav). 

Unknown // I feel that lately I'm kind of in this state of being completely unknown. Not in the sense that people don't know me, but in the sense that I'm not fully aware of myself. That sounds deep, but I mean to say that I don't really know what my next move will be in a few aspects of my life and that's super scary to think about. I'm hoping to use the upcoming week to do a little self-discovery and focus on me for a bit in hopes of re-grounding myself. 

Patience // By whatever miracle, I somehow ended up with the most patient people in my life this year. I think it's taken me a long time to find some constant and true friends to surround myself with, but I've never been happier with who all is in my life. When you find your people, keep them close and do you best not to take them for granted. 

That's all I have for this Monday. Have a great week, everybody! 

February Playlist

Friday, February 5, 2016

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listen to the playlist here!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016


As I find myself straying away from taking joy in the simple things, I've created a list of things I'm grateful for to remember to find peace in the small things. May it help and inspire you the same as it has done for me.

Sunny days.
Good music on highway drives. 
Spending time with loved ones. 
Making others laugh. 
Hot chocolate on the way to class. 
Visiting the happiest place on earth with my best friend for spring break. 
Afternoon yoga. 
Perfectly worn in tee shirts. 
Being silly with you. 

Monday Musings

Monday, February 1, 2016


HBD // Happy Birthday to my dear peon, Auj. Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration in my Panhellenic life and for taking me under your wing through the course of the last year. I can't believe you used to scare the daylights out of me, because now you take my outfit posts, help me prep for speeches, and eat Moe's with me when I actually want to drop off the face of the earth. 21 looks stellar on you. #BlessUp (P.S. follow me on bloglovin')

Ball // I am extremely excited to spend Saturday at my university's annual ball with my handsome man (though he would tell you otherwise on that front). The dress has been fitted, the hair as gone through it's trial run, and now all that's left is waiting until the weekend. I can't wait for the evening to actually come.

Stats // My research psych stats class is kicking my butt. I've got our first exam on Wednesday, so if anyone wants to send me some extra good vibes over the next couple days, that would be swell. I seriously think I could use all the luck I can get.

Sorry // I kind of have a lot of things to be apologetic for right now. For not being patient, for losing my temper too quickly, for getting easily annoyed, for being inconsiderate of other people's feelings. Hopefully, it's not too late for me to say sorry.

Busy // Lately I have had a busy mind. It's been clouded with too many thoughts to focus on at a single point in time. I've taken to writing them down, but my pen cannot keep up with my racing thoughts, and quite frankly it's been a while since I've felt this overwhelmed. In my pursuit to keep this blog honest and real, I think it's important for me to share these things, if only as a reminder to myself that it is okay to feel things stronger than others may.

Inspiration // I've found myself in a draught of inspiration when it comes to blog posts lately (though maybe you can't tell that from all my pre-planning), but alas I have come to the end of my well scheduled posts. If you have any inspiring blogs you enjoy, feel free to send me their way. I could use a good boost of creativity, motivation, and inspiration.

Here's to hoping that this Monday hasn't set the tone for how the rest of the week will carry out...(unless your Monday was good, in which case, may it carry on over the next several days.)

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