Race Prep

Friday, April 29, 2016


Hi friends! 

As I've mentioned many a time before on here, I've been training for an upcoming 5k. Well, tomorrow is finally the day. Actually, tomorrow and Sunday. My mom and I somehow got it in our heads that we can totally do back to back races... we'll see... 

In lieu of my fast approaching runs, I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the things I've done in the last weeks as I finish up my race prep!

I've really been shaking things up and doing things I normally wouldn't do. Previously, I've been timing and monitoring my runs to make sure I can actually do 3.1 miles (I can, thank the Lord). Not only was I doing this to make sure I could go the distance, but I was also using it as measurement of how long it would take me to complete the race. This is something I did in all the months leading up to this past week. In the chaos of finals and trying to pack my room up, though, this has become really stressful to me. It made me frustrated when I wouldn't hit a certain time, or if my body just didn't feel like going the distance. So I quit.
"It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop"- Confucius
I quit timing myself and it's honestly made all the difference. It made me fall back in love with running, which is something I sort of lost sight of in the midst of trying to get my best time. I've found that by doing this, I not only do better, but I feel better about the way I'm running. The other day I ran with my mom and I tracked our progress for the first time in over a week, and I was surprised by how well we had done- especially with me not being concerned about it over the past few week.

Another thing I've done is make a playlist so that I have to run against the music. While I haven't been loving timing myself, I really can't stand listening to the same song twice in one run. To combat this, I've created a playlist using Spotify to push myself. Nothing motivates me more than some killer music, and the songs in this mix get my pumped up for any run. You can listen to it below!

Because I genuinely love running, I also like to keep up-to-date on races happening in my area. This can be a somewhat difficult task when I'm at college because I'm in such an academic bubble, but Eventbrite is a great way to amend that problem. Their website allows you to look up events going on in your area, and you can even plan events of your own! They have everything from music to food events (need I say more?) so it's really like a one stop boredom buster. I highly recommend browsing through their categories of events if you're in need of something fun to do this summer- there's tons of great things listed! (I'm also a fan of the classes the promote there, as I'm always looking for ways to stay active!)

Have you ever used Eventbrite? I would love to know things you enjoy searching their site for!

True Life: My Mom's Cooler Than Me

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The famous Momma J

I was going to hold off and post this for Mother's Day, but my mom is too cool to wait. (Side note, somebody count how many times I say "cool" and comment the grand total). I'm also purposefully posting this one Wednesday, since Wednesdays always make me think of when my mom used to have Wednesday's off of work and would hang with me in the summer. How cool is it that I have a day that constantly reminds me of my mom?

My mom is cool. She always has been, but just recently I had a revelation- my mom is cooler than me. Not that that takes much effort, I'm pretty lame. But still.

When I was in elementary school, I used to have a smidge of jealousy for the other girls who's moms would come into the class rooms. My mom wasn't the PTA mom, the soccer mom, or the carpool mom (granted I NEVER played soccer and didn't need to carpool until the seventh grade). It was never a bad thing, and never truly affected me much, but that's just how it was. And since she always knew what was going on in my school life (like the time I convinced several girls to chop their locks during craft time), I never felt that I was missing out. While my mom might not have been the stay-at-home mother, she was so much more.

My mom was the cool mom. She was the sign-your-excuse-form-mom every time the AIDs talk came around in elementary school because she knew I would probably pass out otherwise. She was the mom who scolded me for watching Secret Life of the American Teenager because she thought it was too race-y for me to watch at 12 years old, but still popped the popcorn and watched it with me. My mom was the one who excused me from 6th hour when I wasn't ready for my first ever psych test because I loved the content so much but was too afraid to take a test and ruin my grade for the class. She was also the mom who dumped a gallon of water on me after my tragic first mile race in track because sports just aren't my thing. She's the mom that wants a tattoo, takes me to crazy music festivals, and My mom was the mom who actively built a relationship with me, even if I fought her along the way.

I know the above doesn't really make her sound like a cool mom, that it maybe makes her sound like the mom who's just doing what she's supposed to, but what's important about all of these things that she's done is this: they built up trust and friendship. I whole-heartedly believe that my mom is so cool (to me at least) because she's truly my best friend. She watches trash TV with me, takes me to the mall when we've got nothing better to do, and is more risky in her Starbucks orders than I could ever be. She's made it a point to get to know my friends and create bonds with them. It may sound weird to some, but it's something I've always appreciated. More of my friends call my mom "momma j" than I can count. Heck, more of my friends are facebook friends with my mom than they are with me (not really, but they like her better and I'm so okay with that). Not only is she someone I come to for advice, but I've had some of my closest friends ask for her opinions. Not many people can say that about their moms, but I can.

I consider myself so lucky to have a mom as cool as mine. Someone who I feel comfortable going to no matter the situation. Someone I willingly call just to chat with, and someone I come home for over the weekends just to hang out with (even if I have two exams, a group paper, and a project to complete). I don't always tell her enough, but she's someone I truly couldn't live without. She would be embarrassed if I shared all of the ways that she's the cool mom, but these are just a few.

I could apologize for bragging about my mom for a little bit, but I'm not sorry in the slightest bit. She deserves it after all that she's done for me over the years, because quite honestly I can be a handful. Thanks for being so cool, mom. You rock.

Tuesday Thoughts (?)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hi friends! 

So sorry for not posting a Monday Musings- it was a jam packed day for me. But never fear, Tuesday Thoughts is my consolation for not being consistent yesterday. Let's hop to it, shall we?

me and my sweet friend han... also, would you belieb me if i said #nofilter?

Sorry // Justin Bieber was last night and oh.my.gosh. It was great. I've seen him multiple times before (#NoNewFans) and I was completely blown away by the show. For someone growing up in the Bieber Fever era, I was incredibly pleased that he stayed true to the evolutions he's made musically while also performing some throw backs. I can't thank my girl Han enough times for this wonderful gift- spending the night with her before my last final was an absolute treat! 

Merch // Just a fun memory, but we skipped every single merch line last night and headed straight to concessions. Between being hangry and seeing wayyy too many people my sister's age wearing almost no clothing, fueling up was our #1 priority before screaming singing the night away. 

 Summer // Summer is here! I literally just took my last exam (I got a 91% if you were curious) and I can now say that I'm on summer break. Let the adventures begin, am I right? To see what I hope to be up to this summer, check out my previous post

Cambria // I've recently been getting back into really watching YouTube again, and it should be no surprise when I say that Cambria Joy is my hands down favorite. I couldn't not give her a plug, especially with the videos she's posted recently. 

Runnin' // We are officially less than a week out from my 5K(s) and I'm ready to go. I've been shaking it up with my training recently, and doing a lot of things I haven't done in the past. Keep an eye out for a more detailed post about this on Friday! 

Take a hike... // My #1 summer goal is to go hiking. I really can't tell you what the appeal is to me all of a sudden, but I just really want to get some new perspective on the world around me (literally though, I want some new views). After finding several websites with what seem to be great hikes in the Mitten, I'm hopeful that I can cross this off my list of must-dos. 

That's all for me this Tuesday! 

Summer To-Do List

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Hi friends! 

As I near my summer break (and procrastinate on packing up my belongings), I can't help but fear wasting my time off from school. Obviously I have to #werk, but I want to enjoy my free time as much as I possibly can. As someone who craves adventures and new experiences the way some crave chocolate, I decided what better way to hold myself accountable than to post my ventures on the internet?? 

Let's get crackin'...


1 / Cook with avocados more - those lil buggers are way too delicious to not eat all summer long 

2 / Move towards a more paleo-based appetite and eat more like a caveman 

3 / Be outdoors more (and work on that chaco tan) 

4 / Find a local coffee shop to escape to on rainy days 

5 / Go on adventures, whether that means the zoo, the west side of the state, or the UP 

6 / Invest in a dang hammock already 

7 / Take the kayak out and just *float*

8 / Create a new savings plan because adulting doesn't stop when school does

9 / Learn to be an earl(ier) riser 

10 / Make my bedroom a more zen place

11 / Update my blog layout so it's a more true reflection of me

12 / Find a place to hike in this state

13 / Keep fresh flowers in my room weekly

14 / Frame new pictures and swap out old ones

What do you hope to accomplish this summer?


Friday, April 22, 2016


Hi friends! 

I've been holding off on this post for a while, because for me this is a big one. I also have had no idea what to say, and honestly I still don't have a clue. But what I do know is this: this is my 200th post on Lauren Sate of Mind. 

When I started back in 2014, I didn't even fathom all the things that would happen as I developed this little corner of the internet. I didn't expect to love this as much as I do. I didn't expect to gain a small following, have people tell me they look forward to my posts, or to have the support from friends and family that I have now. 

I didn't expect life to happen along the way either. When I first began this blog, I looked up to the people in the right hand column more than they know. I watched their perfectly curated lives and thought that was all there was to them. I was wrong. Watching them grow and change and transform themselves made me realize that life is always happening whether we put it on display or not. I've lost my passion and found it again. I've had my heart broken and then put it back together. I've become completely lost in my personal life, only to find my way again. 

The lessons I've learned while making this space for myself are insurmountable. I've learned that failing is nothing to be ashamed of as long as you pick yourself back up. That taking a break, focusing on yourself, and investing in yourself is one of the greatest things that you can do. Sometimes you have to say no, because you are not superwomen and can't always do it all. I've learned that it's okay to feel everything so strongly, and that it's not a weakness. Most importantly and most recently, I've been learning to live in the now. My life is constantly in fast forward and I live what I call a "drop-and-go" lifestyle. I am constantly dropping one bag only to pick up another and head out to tackle my next big task. I've learned to walk away from the computer screen, put conversations on do not disturb, and take time to be in the present. This is probably super noticeable from the lack of current posts, and while this is something that would have stressed me out previously, I'm completely accepting of the fact that this is not my everything.

Through LSoM, I've also become more mindful- of what I put out on the internet, what I say, and how it reflects on me. I've also learned how to become mindful of my emotions, as weird as that sounds. March was one of the hardest months I've faced in a long time, and doing the Monday Musings posts actually helped me realize what was getting me down, even if the issue never made it to the published piece. 

I guess when it comes down to it, I've finally started to grow into my corner of the internet- 200 post laters, no less. I say thank you a lot, but I truly mean it when it comes to the support I have from all of you. When I started this venture in high school, I didn't know what people would think of me and what I was doing. As common as blogging is, it was still not something that was a popular thing to do as a senior in suburbia. Lauren State of Mind would be nowhere without the constant help from my many photographers, inspirations, and of course, my readers. Thank you for taking this journey with me. 

Here's to 200 more.

Monday Musings

Monday, April 18, 2016

2/3 of the library fam in Niagara 

Ohhh Canada... // My long awaited trip across the border was better than I could've imagined it to be. Being in Canada was fun for its obvious reasons, but the people I spent my time with honestly made the trip. I'm consider myself to be so fortunate to be surrounded by such amazing friends, and this weekend was unforgettable.

Finals week // Finals week begins in two days, and I'm on the fence about it. My classes have been going really well this semester and I've done fairly well on all the previous exams, so on one front I feel calm. But then I remember that it's finals week and I go into panic mode and start to think about all the work I have left to do (plus, moving out at the same time is horrendous).

JB // We are officially one week out from the Justin Bieber concert and  I am hella stoked about it. Han and I have been waiting for this for so long. Sure, he's a jerk- but my 8th grade self is dying just a little bit inside. Will I cry? Probably. #NoShame

Sun's out... // (Unimpressive) guns out? This weather is too good to be true. As I'm writing this, I'm in a tank top and my chacos (promise I'm wearing pants) and it's honestly the dream. I feel like Michigan's gotten hit with some strange weather lately, and to finally feel normal for the season is a relief.

ENO // Campus hasn't put up it's hammocks yet, but the die hard hammockers (is that a thing?) are out in full force this gorgeous Monday. I'm a smidge jealous that they've got their own hammocks, not going to lie, because hammock time is the best time. Seeing all of the ENOs on campus makes me so much happier that it's almost the end of the semester.

Karaoke // While I am a fanatic singer and jump at the chance to belt out nearly any song that I know all the words to (and even those that I don't), I have never in my life partaken in Karaoke. So shoutout to Han for getting up in front of an inebriated crowd of mostly 30 and 40 somethings this Friday night with me to sing some BSB with me- you're the real MVP, love.

Monday Musings

Monday, April 11, 2016

Formal // My chapter's formal was this past weekend, and it was so much fun. The decorations were beautiful, I ate a ton of potatoes, and I had a fabulous time with Matt. He's such a fun date, and I love that he'll twirl me around the floor one minute but let me hang with my sisters the next. I couldn't picture these events without, honestly.

Winding down // With us entering into the second week of April, the semester is finally winding down. This week is my last full week of class, and finals are around the corner. I cannot wait to be done and have a break from academic responsibilities for a while.

Canada // Where I live, going to Canada is a right of passage once you turn 19. This is something I never have partaken in, but that's finally being broken now. I'm so excited to finally be leaving the boarders of the U.S. for a weekend for another formal, and I cannot wait for a little getaway right before finals.

Packing // Now that the semester is wrapping up, it's time for me to begin packing up my room. I'm honestly dreading this because I've been looking around my room and let me tell you... I've accumulated so.much.stuff. How I'm going to pack it up I don't quite know yet, but we'll get there.

Weather // I hate to be that person who talks about the weather, but I need to vent for a hot second. Michigan's weather right now is jank. For the last month, we have been yo-yoing with the weather and it's so annoying. One day I can run outside in the perfect weather, but then in less than 24 hours it will start to snow. It is April 10th, people.

Clarity // I've taken a break from the blog-sphere for a while to come to some sort of clarity, and after almost two weeks off I'm feeling much better. I still don't fully know where I'm going in just about every aspect of my life, but I'm feeling much more solid in my decisions and my support system has been phenomenal. I feel incredibly lucky to have such amazing and supportive people to surround myself with.

Here's to being strong. 

Everyday Reminders

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Taking care of yourself isn't being selfish.
Call your mom more often.
Tell people how much you care about them.
Drink your water.
Listen to music that makes your soul feel good.
Reward yourself for your hard work. 
Smile at people you pass, it might make their day.

And most importantly...

Be gentle with yourself. You're doing your best. 

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