Another Monday is passing us by and I am just so relieved. Monday's may not be my favorite day of the week, but they're usually not so bad as this one was. Don't worry though - there was some light shinning through the dark!
Let's get into it, shall we?
Big | This weekend I got to spend a lot of time with my big sister and I cannot tell you all how appreciative I was. I feel as if in the last month alone we have grown so much closer and I am so lucky to have her as my big sister. Speaking of big diamonds... I myself became a big sister! I'm so happy to welcome my little into the chapter and into forever!
Cherry pepsi | This stuff is my kryptonite. I'm sure I've talked about it at least once on my blog, but let me reiterate it again for you - I absolutely love this stuff. I know pop isn't good for you, but it's so hard to resist. Plus, it's basically all that's keeping me running right now... Oops.
Sleep | Last night I had the worst night/night's sleep of my life (maybe not my life, but still). I went to bed extremely stressed out and I must have woken up a dozen times throughout the night. It didn't help that my wondrous suite mate decided that her music would best be played loud at one in the morning while she was taking her shower. Is it moving day yet? No? Darn...
Crush party | If I'm looking forward to anything at all this week it is my sorority's annual Crush Party this Friday. We have super cute shirts made up and spending a night with sisters is always a night well spent. More than that, I am mostly looking forward to Friday because it'll be the first time I'll get to see Jonathan within the last three weeks. I know that sounds lame, but these past few weeks have honestly felt like three years. I'm just really excited, okay?
Preparation | I have a few big interviews / seminars this week that I have to prep for, and I will be the first to say that I am feeling very under-prepared for these upcoming events. If my posts are lacking some, then it is directly because of running around in a panic to make myself appear professional and organized for my interviews.
The Grammys | I bet you all wish I had some witty remarks to make about the show last night, but sadly I didn't have access to a TV last night between chapter, reading for a class, and just being in college with no cable access. I'd like to say that I'm sad to have missed it, but I'm so consumed by other things that there's no void in having missed the awards last night.
Movies | What's really got my going today is the idea of watching a movie tonight before bed. My film class, while boring at times, has broadened my movie horizons, and tonight I'm feeling like some classic Audrey Hepburn might be in order after having watched a Billy Wilder film in class today (you know what that means - I'll be watching Sabrina tonight).
I think that about sums up my Monday. I have so much more that I could've shared, but let's be honest with each other right now... You wouldn't have read it, would you have?
Here's to the start of a new week everyone!
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