Monday Musings

Monday, March 14, 2016

want days like this so badly right now 
{image via}

Calendar // The closer we get to the end of the year, the more my planner seems to be filling up. There are so many dates and times being thrown my way that I can barely keep up. It's pretty sad that I'm already looking forward to summer at this point because I really just need a day where I don't have to answer an email, type a draft, or pencil in times to see people. 

Philanthropy // This past weekend I got to see one of my best friends in action as she worked alongside her sorority and raised over 14 thousand dollars for her chapter's philanthropies. I am completely blown away by all of her hard work, and she has inspired me to act towards something greater than myself. Thank you for being ceaselessly amazing, Han. 

Bad days // It's just a bad day, not a bad life. 

Kayak // Now that the weather has been consistently warm out, I really want to take my kayak out on the water. I'm really excited to use my park pass after classes a few times a month and just escape from campus and get away for a couple of hours with just a paddle. 

Broken // After buying $23 worth of smoothie materials, my beloved blender broke. I got barely three smoothies out of all my mix and my magic bullet just died. I'm currently blenderless and heart broken over a kitchen appliance, and I don't know what could be more sad than that. 

Dress shopping // I'm once again on the market for a formal dress. Unfortunately, nothing has quite caught my eye yet, and time keeps dwindling. Almost a month to find something, and ironically enough I'm not even stressed (yet)- although I'm sure we might get to that point at sometime. 

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