Protein Smoothie Bowl

Friday, June 26, 2015

I recently mentioned in my last Monday Musings post that I had made a delicious smoothie bowl. The more I thought about how decadent it was, the more I thought "wow Lauren, put this on your blog." And here we are! I'm putting it on the blog!

What you will need:
13g of vanilla protein powder of your choice (I use this kind!)
1 cup of raspberries
1 ripe banana
8oz of plain vanilla yogurt (greek or low-fat)
3-4 ice cubes
handful of granola (I substituted with Special K cereal this time)
8 almonds (for decoration)

In your blender, first combine your protein powder and yogurt - this will avoid clumping. Then, add in 3/4 of your banana and your cup of raspberries. I like to add my ice in last, but you could totally add your ice in with your fruit- it's a totally personal choice. Remember that this is going into a bowl & you won't be drinking it so it's okay if your smoothie comes out on the thicker side.

To finish:
Pour your drink into a bowl (revolutionary, I know). Then, with the last 1/4 of your banana, garnish your bowl. I cut my pieces and then placed them down the center. To the left of my bananas, I added my Special K (granola tastes good too!) and some almonds. My almonds were salted, so it was a nice balance of savory and sweet.

What do you like to put on top of your smoothie bowls? 

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