Monday Musings

Monday, June 8, 2015

Is Greece seriously not the dream?

My last week was a rough one, so I'm just hoping to start this one like a nice and clean state. Help me out, will you? Let's just get this post rolling already (nobody likes small talk anyways). 

Slacking / Last week my posting was dismal. I am actually disappointed in myself. I have all of this inspiration some moments and can't draft posts quick enough and at other times I am just struggling to come up with the content for these measly Monday Musings. 

Wanderlust / I have been feeling extremely wanderlust as of late. I don't know why, but I believe I was born with this instinct that traveling the world is a necessity for me to lead a fulfilling life. I so want to see past the borders I am currently living in and I know there is so much this world has to offer me in experiences and sights from around the world. 

Social Excellence / Not quite sure if this mention is allowed, but learning about social excellence at my Rho Gamma training has me feeling very empowered. Simple things that cultural norms have now determined as "strange" are keeping us from creating lives that we envy. Learn more about social excellence here; seriously, it will change your perception. 

Commitment / This is a friendly reminder to everyone out there that we have a commitment to sometimes put ourselves first, to take care of ourselves first, to love ourselves first. It's a hard lesson to learn and even harder to perform, but commit to yourself. Make yourself happy, bring yourself joy. Love yourself. 

Packing / LOL @ the fact that I'm leaving for Florida again this Friday. LOL even harder @ the fact that I have no time to get all of my errands done, pack my stuff, or even read this week. #busybee? #yes. 

Country / This weekend I was at my city's Downtown Hoedown and I have to say it has sparked my undying love for country music once again. I love music festivals because it's usually a cheaper way to see tons of acts, hear tons of new music, and people watch (let's face it- that's the best part).

That's my Monday for you. Wishing you a sunny week! 

{PS: love to Auj and my other Rho Gamma girls for giving me inspiration, empowerment, and encouragement every time we meet to train. Much love, fam.}

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