Monday Musings

Monday, July 11, 2016


Hi friends! 

The holiday weekend totally threw me off kilter, so I apologize for a week of no content, but this Monday Musings is going to changing that! 

1 // 100% convinced that your average suburban family should not be allowed to light explosives after literally running for shelter as my neighbors lost control of their fireworks last night. Sure they're pretty and all, but you know what else is pretty? Not causing bodily harm. 

2 // Activity trackers really make you aware of how lazy you are. I thought I was at least a moderately active person (as I haughtily cranked the level up on my watch in the apple store) but let me tell you- I'm basically a sloth. I don't think I've hit my activity goal once since getting my watch. This partially makes me want to work harder, and also partially makes me feel like a potato. 

3 // Currently, I'm desperately in need of some new reading material. It feels like I've read through everything my library has to offer me, and authors just cannot crank cheesy summer teen romances out at the rate that I read them. Maybe one day I'll prefer "adult" books, but for now, I just crave sappy summer love stories. Any recommendations for A+ books are definitely welcome, my friends! 

4 // One of my goals for this month is to run a mile for each day of July. So far, I'm at 11.67 out of the 31 miles, and I'm personally impressed that I've done so well with this goal thus far. I tried to do something similar in June, but made too many excuses to skip runs, but I'm feeling more determined this month than ever. 

5 // Tacking onto the previous topic, I'm curious to know if anyone has Brooks running shoes and what their thoughts of them are. My mom is starting to think I need something that can handle impact a little bit better when I'm running trails, and has suggested Brooks to me. I've looked into them, but before spending the money I need some advice! (Also battling the whole comfort v style thing, but I know your feet are your foundation...). 

6 // I am dying to try arial yoga. Someone I know recently went, and it literally looks like the coolest thing ever. It looks like a challenge, but swinging around in some silks for an hour seems like it would be so much fun! Plus, what a unique way to sweat, am I right? 

Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead! 
*when your images won't stay centered but you're soooOoooo not in the mood to mess around*

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