Junior year is no joke and my adjustment is still happening a full semester deep into the school year.
Self care and self love are no joke. Do not pass yourself off or skip yourself on your to-do list. You are as important, if not more, than everything else you need to check off. Create time for your enjoyment and for your peace of mind.
Learn your capacity. Figure out when you are tapped out, and keep an account of what puts you over the edge. Stay on top of yourself to watch for signs of burn out.
Get comfortable with saying "no." It is a full and complete sentence. It does not need an explanation. A few awkward moments of disappointment are well worth it to keep yourself from getting too overwhelmed.
Do what makes your heart happy. Find something that you yearn to do and reward yourself with it.
Find friends to do life with. We were created to live in community with one another. Life's little (and big!) wins are so much sweeter when they can be shared with others.
Write it all out. Get it on paper, on a blog, on your phone. Dump all of your thoughts, positive or negative, someplace else. We let our minds get so overloaded with information that we hardly leave any space for us to focus on the present.
Tell others you appreciate them. Apologize when you mess up (and you will).
I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to this corner. But I'm back.
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