
Friday, September 16, 2016


After a tough week, I realized something: 

It's okay to challenge yourself, but at the same time you need to be mindful of your limits. 

I am totally guilty of FOMO. Since freshman year, I've had a fear of missing out. I want to do everything, even though that's not in my human capabilities. I also have the most difficult time saying no to just about anything, and quickly discover that I have way too much on my plate at just about all times. 

To combat this though, I've created a set of challenges- for myself, but also for you reading this. It's my hope that these challenges will push me to do better for myself and to overall create a happier mindset. 

The task at hand is simple, in theory. Complete the week's task at least sometime in seven days after posting. Easy enough, right? 

This week's task is reflective of the mindset I need to have after battling an endless week. 

Do one thing that makes you happy this week

This could literally be anything. Going for a run, treating yourself, going to a movie, buying yourself flowers- literally anything. 

I challenge us all to take meaningful and intentional steps towards making our own happiness, but to accomplish this let's just start with something simple. 

I hope everyone's week goes well, and that you find happiness in some way throughout your busy days. 

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