I'm a Big (again)! // This weekend I was fortunate enough to become a big to my second little! I am so proud of my entire family, and adding a new addition made us even better! I can't wait to see all of the things our family accomplishes in the next year.
Cider mills // I donut know whether to be embarrassed or proud that in the last week I went to the cider mill twice... Regardless, it's my favorite fall tradition and I am so happy that I got to share the memories with some of the people I love most- my sisters!
Cherry pepsi // For as much as I love cherry pepsi, I really need to cut back on it... I think I drink it every day and I know for sure that cannot be good for me. I seriously need to get back to my gallon or more of water a day. I think that'll be my challenge for the rest of this month...
Moe's // I honestly think one of the only things that got me through this day was the Moe's I ate for lunch. I had the best burrito bowl ever, but it was even better when my free chips were from the fresh batch. Is it bad that I'm actually so happy about that?
Mamacita // I've been really missing my mom lately, and I cannot wait for my next chance to go home. I'm not even ashamed to admit that my mom is my hands down number one best friend. I am so blessed to have the mother I do, she's simply the best. I love you mom!
Instagram // More than normal I have been obsessed with fab instgram feeds. If you know anyone with a great aesthetic, drop me a line because I would love to creep / follow!
Hoping your Monday has been a short one!
I mean, I'm working on my Insta-game so feel free to check mine out:)