
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

{Grand Canyon / July 2017}

I never want to forget this moment.

Looking out across the Grand Canyon, there were so many emotions and thoughts speeding through my mind.

I felt small. I felt the gravity weighing down on me, keeping me fixed in this spot.

I felt the absolute, undeniable LOVE of God.

He did this! The God of the universe, who knows the stars by name and set the world in motion- He did this!

And even after doing this, even after the world was already beautiful by the nature He had artfully brought to life, still He wanted more. He wanted us, and He's wanted us all along.

People wonder what God's plan was in creating us, but that's the whole point- us. WE were the plan. We were always the plan. He put us here to love one another, to show His love to one another. Despite our brokenness (and we're all pretty darn broken), He made us to love. That's the point of it all; His greatest gift.

I will never be able to wrap my mind around our God. Never. There was nothing that I could do, give up, or barter with to get this love of His. Not one thing. But here I am, here we all are- we have it. We have His love. How sad would it be to not revel in God's love any less than a tourist of the Grand Canyon? It's far vaster than it, yet still we downgrade the size of His love for us.

I think a lot of things about God. From my time out West, I now think this: We were given these beautiful sights by Him and sometimes people become more in love with what they see and start to forget about Who made them. That wasn't ever the purpose. I think we were given these sights to remember Him- to remember the lengths He will go to in order to win our hearts.

They say God is a jealous, that He wants every part of us. For a while, this didn't really make much sense to me, but now I get it. He has to, in many ways, compete for our attention, our thoughts, and our hearts. But out here, where it's just you and the land... there's only one thing it brought me back to. Him.

1 comment :

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