Monday Musings

Monday, December 19, 2016

Today's Monday Musing is going to be a little different. I've had a lot of things weighing on my heart recently, and I think it's about time that I start sharing them. I figure this is as good a place as any to start. 

Taken from my most recent Instagram: 

I'm learning that messy is okay. That sticky and complex and flawed and sometimes even confusing are good things to have in your character. That we should seek quality in our relationships, our conversations, and our endeavors. I'm learning to be okay with being limited instead of the faulty belief that I am limitless. To believe I am limitless would be a disservice to myself. Jesus didn't create us to do it all. I was created with weaknesses, natural edits, if you will. And that's okay. More and more I am learning that I need to stop being preoccupied with what I can't change. That staying on an endless hamster wheel of daydreaming of what I wish I had the capabilities for is destructive. Each day I learn more, I grow more, and isn't that the beauty of being limited? That we grow, sometimes slowly, over time. That we learn each lesson meant for us at the time we need it most. That there are constant wonders that reveal themselves to us. If we were limitless, if we could truly do it all, we would never step back in our moments of brokenness to realize the beauty of a world that was created for us.


It feels like God is calling me to start sharing my story. I'm not sure what story, exactly, or even what bits, but when you've got this feeling... this rattling sensation in your heart... you can't just ignore it. I don't know exactly what the game plan is from here on out but it feels like a change is coming. To myself, to my relationships, to my diction, and to this blog. 

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