
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. 

How beautiful the definition of resolute is. 

We're talking resolutions today, as is probably every other blogger pouring their hearts onto their pages today. 

Resolutions are a tricky thing. We set such well-intended goals for ourselves at the start of each year and stray away from them even quicker than they were ever set. The problem is we set big goals but don't give ourselves the tools to achieve them. We also aren't always realistic about the things we want to accomplish each new year. All too often, we set goals to change our appearances or attempt to pull off some perfect 360 makeover. These things are fine, but for once I'm not trying to change my exterior, I just want to work on my heart.

This year I'm focusing on the word "grace," and what that looks like in my life. Starting with one word made my goals for this year easier to pinpoint. 

tell others how much i appreciate them 
It doesn't take much effort to call someone up, shoot them a text, or write a short note telling someone that they have impacted your life and that you are thankful for their presence. I want to tell at least one person in my life each day how important they are to me. 

write more letters by hand
Texting is nice, but there's something much more personal about writing down sentiments by hand. I want to write at least two letters a month.

be still
I move too much. My drop-and-go lifestyle left me tapped out last semester and I want less go and more time still. I want to hear when God is talking to me, the ability to appreciate quiet moments, and the peace that comes from just nursing a cup of coffee without being attached to a phone or an inbox buzzing insistently. Every morning, I want to take 30 minutes to just be. 

read a new book before the end of the semester
Even if I only have the chance to read while walking in between classes again, I want to enjoy the truth of another individual. How amazing is it that someone has sat down and crafted a story or portrayed their truth so deliberately? I want to appreciate that again. 

be in the Word daily
I want to set intentional time each day to keep unfolding the radical love of Jesus. 

give myself grace
I'm my biggest critic. Before anyone else can comment on something I'm not 100% proud of, I've already picked it apart and torn it down. I want to be nicer to myself, accept what I cannot change, and be proud of what I am doing by accepting that when each day is over, tomorrows are the perfect time to be new again.

The next 365 days are there for the taking- let's make them more wonderful than the last. 
*image courtesy of @inhisnameco*

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