I'm upset. Actually, I'm peeved.
What's got me so upset? An article about Greek life.
This article, to be exact. While I love the Odyssey and totally appreciate the outlet it gives people who may otherwise have no voice, sometimes it really gets me heated. This is one of those times.
Frankly, I was disappointed when I saw it pop up in my facebook feed for the first time. By the third & fourth, I was over it completely. Everything from the picture to the final sentence got me feeling fiery. I was also a smidge disappointed with the multiple individuals who shared it, as it very wrongly portrays Greek life at our "small" midwestern school. While I can see how some of these points may be valid at SEC schools, I find them generally untrue for my campus in particular.
Let's take a gander, shall we?
1. Belonging. I do not have waist long blonde hair. I am not rail skinny. I also don't own a white lace dress OR a pair of wedges. Truth be told, I only own two pairs of actual heels, and only one pair is considered meeting attire. Do my sisters still love me? Yes. Do I feel as if I belong regardless? Yes.
2. Sorority Moms. I cannot think of a single sister who has what this author considers a "sorority mom." My mom was never in a sorority. I wasn't a legacy, and I got into my chapter on my own. My mom has lunches with her friends, because normal people enjoy seeing their friends, but my mom also kicks ass at the gym while working a full time job and taking care of her family. The same has rung true for my sister's moms. I don't think I've ever encountered a sorority mom in my life, and honestly, as an active in a chapter, when would I ever? This seems like a stretch to me...
3. The money. This I see as a valid reason. And yes, at bigger universities / colleges I can see how this would hinder one's decision. I whole-heartedly believe I couldn't afford Greek life if I did not go to the exceptional university that I am fortunate to attend. BUT (and there's always a but), every chapter on my campus, plus the ones that my friends attend across the state, have payment plans and ways to ease the burden of dues. So I wouldn't let the money completely keep it out of your realm of possibilities just yet.
4. New beginnings. I totally get wanting college to be a new beginning for you- really, I do. I was the captain of the color-guard in high school. Do you know who people hate more than the band geeks in high school? the color-guard, that's who. I was shy and awkward and I hated having to talk to people I didn't know. So I went through recruitment. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to break out of my shell. Now I'm loud and obnoxious. I'm not sure which is worse, but I'll tell ya- this one is more fun.
5. Socials. If meeting new people and seeing different points of views and just having fun isn't your thing... I'm not sure what to say. Socials are fun. Themes are even more fun. It's like halloween happening more than once a year. Thought of a rad costume two months after halloween? Not a problem, there's a mixer theme you can fit that costume to work with. It's fun. College is supposed to be about having some fun. (Would also like to note that I am taking a full college course load + working for housing + still keeping a pretty stellar GPA.)
6. Recruitment. What is one long weekend out of your life if it means meeting your best friends. Nay, your forever friends. Yeah, it's stressful and an emotional roller coaster ride for everyone (and I'm crazy enough to be a Rho Gamma and run the dang thing every year), but really. It's one weekend. Four nights. And at the end of the process you come out with some stellar new friends and a place to call home. At the very least, you have people to eat lunch with, pass on campus, sit in class with, or study with... as opposed to going to your car between classes. Not sure it's much of a toss up.
7. Stigma. People are always going to be curious about Greek life. It comes with the letters. Most of the time, people don't even know what you do. When I go into job interviews though and have a handful of positions I've held within my chapter, no matter how small, it has always (and I mean always) sparked a good conversation. Besides my ex, nobody's looked down on me for being involved in Greek life. Spoiler alert: the movies are never like the real deal.
8.Time. You get out what you put in. I have sisters who don't show their faces around exam time and who study their butts off to kick ass in school. They still are relatively active in the chapter, and they're hella focused on their school work. This is just a cheap way to turn me down when I'm trying to recruit you to go through recruitment. You don't have to come to everything (guilty of not going to plenty) to still have an awesome experience.
I'm sure this seemed naggy and plenty will think I'm overly aggressive about the topic, but it's because I know how Greek life has molded me into the person I want to become. For those with the excuses- take 2 minutes and see what Greek life could do for you...